Useful Tips To Quit Smoking

Many of the tips that we will be going over in today’s issue are going to be on topics that we have already discussed, but I feel it is important to visit them again. If you are having a hard time kicking the habit, these are especially helpful. Let’s jump right in:.
  • Build up a strong belief in yourself and blend it with and even stronger will power to quit smoking. Think of giving up smoking as one of the toughest things that you will have do in your life and face it head on. It’s all up to you.
  • Don’t put it off! Pick a date, and develop your plan for quitting. Take action right away.
  • Make a list of why you want to quit. Include all of the benefits of quitting. ; living longer, feeling better, for your family, saving money, smelling better etc. You know very well what is bad about smoking and what will be better after you quit. Once, put it all on the paper and read it daily.
  • Seek out support from your family and friends. Tell them about your decision to quit. Tell them that you may become irritable, even irrational as a side effect of quitting and that you need their patience and understanding.
  • Speak to your doctor about quitting. The support of your physician is always a good idea, because they can answer your questions and help you with any health related issues that may arise.
  • Exercising on daily basis is going to help you relive stress. It will also help your body recover from the damage caused by cigarettes. You may also want to consider some form of rigorous activity 3 to 4 times a week.
  • Practice some deep breathing exercises every day. For about 3 to 5 minutes breath in through your nose slowly hold breath for a few seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth. You will be amazed at how much this will help.
  • Begin to visualize yourself as a non-smoker. Close your eyes and imagine yourself turning down cigarettes offered to you. Visualize throwing all of your pack of cigarettes away and winning a gold medal for doing it.
  • Powerful visualization is a great stop smoking aid and it really works.
  • If you can’t quit cold turkey then cut back on cigarettes gradually. This method calls for a clear cut plan as to ‘how many cigarettes’ you will smoke everyday reducing the number each day.
  • Try to only buy one pack of cigarettes at a time, and change brands with each pack. Because you will have to go out for them more often and they will not taste the, this way you won’t enjoy smoking as much.
  • Make a genuine attempt to find another smoker who is also trying to quit. Then you can help each other by discussing the positive reasons for quitting and you will have someone that you can call to talk you.
  • through the tough times!
After a month go out for dinner at your favorite restaurant. In six months take a nice weekend getaway. When you make it for a year throw a party and invite all of your family friends that stuck by you while you were quitting so that they can help you celebrate your new beginning of life.
  • Remember to drink a lot of water. The more you drink the more nicotine and chemicals that will be flushed out of your body.
  • Avoid triggers, plan alternative means and ways to deal everyday triggers that make you want a cigarette. For instance, when you feel stressed, at the end of a meal, work breaks, chatting on the phone etc.
  • Once and for all, when you are having a tough day try focusing on some of the helpful tips so that you can stay on to road to success and quit smoking.
  • Build up a strong belief in yourself and blend it with and even stronger will power to quit smoking.
  • Make a list of why you want to quit. You know very well what is bad about smoking and what will be better after you quit. Tell them that you may become irritable, even irrational as a side effect of quitting and that you need their patience and understanding.
When you are having a tough day try focusing on some of the helpful tips so that you can stay on to road to success and quit smoking once and for all.
Benefits of quitting smoking
Reasons to quit smoking